Monday, February 21, 2011

Momma Said There'd be Days Like This!

Almost this entire past week has been CRAZY!  We got snow on Wednesday so the kids had a 2 hour delay for school, which by the way is Reno's answer to a snow day.  That totally messed up our 'normal to us' schedule.  I still had to be at work at 7:45, Allie now didn't have to be at school til 9:25, Layne's school would now begin at 11:00 and then Wade had to leave by 2:00 for him to get to work.  Now keep in mind that on Wednesdays here in the Washoe County School District all schools release 45 minutes early-so a normal Wednesday that parents have to arrange for is to elementary gets out at 2:35 and Middle School gets out at 1:15, so now not only has the morning been chaos...they cancel the early release!  Crazy!  All is clear though by noon so life is good right....wrong!  The next morning more snow and another 2 hour delay!  It snowed off and on lightly all day.  So Thursday night Wade works graves and it's me and the kids.  I turn on the news at 6 am to find out that this time they have actually cancelled school all together!  I still go to work, the kids are with grandpa because Wade sleeps days during his grave shifts.  I was so excited for Friday's work day to be over!  There was sooo much snow!  It was gorgeous but freezing and I hate to be cold!  I finally get to sleep Friday night and woke up about 2:30am and looked at phone to see a text from Wade that said 'sick-coming home!  Really!!  We thought everyone who was going to get it had and it was over!  Poor thing was sick all day Saturday and just stayed in the bed where he has pretty much been all weekend!  I did get to go out with some friends Sunday night since today was a holiday for us, and it was a great time away! 

Then today was Allie's orthodonitc appointment, Presley's ENT appointment, Wade still being sick, and on and on and on!  But ya know, tonight we finally got a blessing that I have been waiting on for a long time!  I got to buy a plane ticket for my stepdaughter to come out this summer!  I have wanted for soooo long to be able to share our lives out here with her, and honestly feel so blessed to finally get that opportunity.  We were pretty close when she was younger and her dad and I first started dating, but through the years things have been hard.  People and obstacles have tried to and, at times, succeeded in coming between us and our relationship.  That has hurt more than anyone will ever really know.  I have longed for a special relationship with her and recently we have been talking more, and I am really hoping that this will be a great building block for us! 

I'm not going to pretend that I know how to relate to or deal with a 17 year old daughter, our kids here are still young and are not in that child/adult limbo stage, but I am hoping to learn! 

We will have about a week with all of our girls here then Allie will be leaving to spend some time with her dad, we will have a little more time with Jordan.  Allie is looking forward to seeing her dad and brothers, and spending time in Arkansas this summer.  I'm not sure how ready I am to be away from her for that long, but that is my problem not hers.  She deserves the opportunity to spend quality time with her dad.  Her not having a traditional family, Jordan not having a traditional family...none of our kids having a traditional family is not their faults.  It is ours, the adults, so hopefully we can not make the kids pay for our mistakes forever! 

More to come, but I've gotta get in the bed!  I think the hubby needs some T.L.C.!  Good Night All!

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