Wednesday, February 16, 2011

It was a dreary, snowy day here in Reno, and brought on lots of different thoughts. To be honest the number one thing on my mind lately in religion-right and wrong. I know I need to get my relationship right with the Lord again, and I am on that path. My family is on that path as well. Living here is much different than living in the Bible belt. God, Religion-it's just not 'prevalant', it's not common day, it's not seen as the norm. And when there is talk of religion there are soooo many different opinions. Not that this is anything new, but it's a stumbling block or on the other hand a stepping stone. I guess it's how you look at things.

I have a yearning within my soul that can not be soothed by anything or anyone but the Lord and I know that. I have searched for, tried to make happiness happen, only to see my own failure. I have so many thoughts and feelings. I and my family need God, we need Faith, we need the love.

There are so many friends, people that I have known for years that are going through what are probably the most trying times of their lives at least to date. A friend with a child fighting cancer, friend with a very premature baby fighting for her little life minute by minute, friends who have lost loved ones, and I think in the grand scheme of small some of our daily problems are. Lunch wasn't what you ordered, traffic made you late for an appointment, are those things really going to cause a big impact in the big picture of your life.

I think about these people daily, I worry for them, I pray for them, I hurt for them. I wonder how small things like what other people say about you or think about you would matter to them at this moment. Would they care if someone wrote a sarcastic facebook comment about them, would they care if someone thought they were better than them, would they care if someone didn't 'approve' of the way they run their family. I tend to think the answers to all would be no. I tend to hold on to the belief that what should matter is what will affect our lives, our real lives. Not petty things. There are a lot of things on my mind right now, more than I can spew out right now, but in the next few days it will come out. Don't be shocked, don't be taken aback-but instead take it to heart, take it as questions in your own life.....if your life ended right! Would you be proud of the way you lived it?

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