Friday, March 12, 2010

Wish for Love

"I Hope the Days Come Easy and the Moments Pass Slow
and Each Road Leads You Where You Want to Go
If Your Faced with a Choice and You Have to Choose
I Hope You Choose the One That Means the Most to You.
And if One Door Opens to Another Door Closed
I Hope You Keep on Walking til You Find a Window.
If it's Cold Outside, Show the World the Warmth of Your Smile.
I Hope You Never Look Back but You Never Forget
All the Ones Who Loved You In the Place You Left.
I Hope You Always Forgive and You Never Forget
and You Help Somebody Every Chance You Get.
You Find God's Grace in Every Mistake
and Always Give More Than You Take
My Wish For You Is That This Life Becomes All That You Want It To
I Hope You Know Somebody Loves You"
Why do we teach little girls to believe in fairy tales? Why do we teach them that a 'knight in shining armour' will come rescue them? Why don't we teach our daughters that they don't have to have a man in their life to be happy, to save them. Yes, finding the man of your dreams, love of your great and brings happiness to your life. But that shouldn't be your happiness. Your happiness is within yourself. Your happiness is knowing who you are and being proud of it all....successes, failures, faults, flaws, luck, good choices, bad mistakes, the whole bundle. Finding the 'right' person to share your life with is amazing, but it's not easy and it's definitely not a fairy tale. Sure maybe in the beginning...come on now let's be honest. In the first six months to a year of a relationship is the easiest...hear me...I said of a relationship, not the first year of marriage. When you are dating, you like each other, every little quirk is cute. When you truly fall in love with that person, you still like them, but maybe those little quirks aren't so cute anymore. When you fall in love, it's a feeling of unconditional devotion. It is NOT something that happens with EVERYONE you date. It has to be right!

We date in our lives to find that right person....we do not fall in love with every person we date. That is just crazy! We date to find the person that compliments our personality, dreams and desires. We do not feel this connection with every person we call our significant other.

Sometimes we make mistakes in whom we choose, and at some point that relationship fails, which it was probably destined to do from the beginning. Some of us, fortunately like myself and my husband, get a second chance.

My husband didn't ride in on a white horse, climb the tallest tower to reach me, or save me from a fire breathing dragon, but he did take my heart, and in return give me his. It amazes me that he can still sit here to this day and tell me what I was wearing the first night we met, he remembers the day he asked me out, the day we went out, the date of the night he asked me to marry him and tells me happy anniversary on that day every year (although he has a little help with that one). We are so lucky to have gotten a second chance at true love and happiness. Is life all wine and I don't believe anyone who tries to act as if their life is. Everyone has issues, everyone has tiffs, everyone has their troubles. It's the way you handled those things, the commitment and mutual love to stay with that person no matter what. If either of you run at the first roadblock, it's not love, it's not meant to be.

You know my husband told me on his birthday, again, that I was the best thing that has ever happened to him. I questioned this, but he reiterated the same thing. He contributes his turn around in life to me, he thanks me for love him, supporting him, encouraging him, and helping him set goals in life again, like going back to school. I know he loves me. And he knows that all those things are examples of my love for him.

Do we always agree on everything and get along ALL the you know us...he's hard headed and I've got Foster/Daughhetee blood and the temper to go along with it! No we don't stroll through every single day perfectly, but the point is, at the end of the day...we are still together, still in love, and still devoted to each other and our marriage.

We should teach our daughters to find themselves, be themselves, strive for their dreams and then find their 'compliment' in life. Teach them that there is nothing that they cannot achieve. Then when the time is right for them they can choose whom they want to share their life with. The person who adds to their happiness, supports them, shares in their hopes and dreams; and will still be there through the rough times too.

We should teach our sons to respect women, all women. We should teach them, that someday they may be a daddy to a little girl, and when/if that day comes, how would they want a man to treat their baby girl. Respect her, love her, support her, be there for her, provide for her. Be the strong man that can be counted on. Don't ever treat a woman as a maid, a stepping stone, or an object. Teach our sons that all women have hearts, and most of them are not evil, rigid hearts; but quite opposite. Even if he falls in love with a strong woman, there are going to be times when she needs support, love, attention, or maybe just to fall apart. And that's OK, he needs to be there for her, love her. This respect for women should start from a very young age. Teach our sons to respect their mothers, their sisters, their female teachers, and friends. Teach them that woman are special, and when they find that one special woman for them...and their two hearts come together as one....they can make it through.

Let's teach the next generation that alone they can be strong, happy, successful individuals regardless of gender, and there are no limits to what they can achieve. But also teach them when they find that person whom will stand by them, whom they've given the time to go through the ups and downs with, and still have committed to make it work, then they have found it...then they are really in love. They have found the one whom can add to their happiness and to their life.

Really it's rare, it's not just easy to find that right person, it's not just the next John or Jane that they meet and date for a month or two. It's that person who will give of themselves wholly, put in whatever time, effort, and support to make it work. Be there through thick and thin, easy times and tough ones, and not give up...not run away....not walk out....but strive to bring themselves get through the storm. With two hearts that are right together, anything is possible, and it will be their forever love....

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