Thursday, March 3, 2011

A Little Bit Stronger

I have always wondered how you know when God is speaking to you.  I've heard my entire life to be quiet and listen, but it's never been easy for me.  I know when I was saved at Reyno First Baptist Church that I could feel God pulling me towards him, and I also know that that time of my life was the most happy and peaceful that I can remember. 

But recently I have had the Lord on my mind and heart so much lately.  Since living in the Bible Belt my whole life for the most part, I am no stranger to religion, Christ, Right and Wrong; and not saying that people in the West are not religious, but it's just not...right in front of you and there are sooooo many different beliefs and perspectives.

I know what I believe and what I trust in and that is:
1.  The Father, Son and The Holy Ghost
2.  God sent his Son to die on the cross to save us from our sins.
3.  That you must confess with your lips that Jesus died for you.
4.  Ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins and come into your heart and save you.

I do not believe that this gives you a free ride to do whatever you want and be home free.  Am I perfect?  No     Have I lived the perfect Christian life and walked  the Christian walk?  No     Do I know what I should be doing...YES! 

It is so hard to follow sometimes.  I am the kind of person that wants and needs control.  I NEED to have a plan, I need to know what to expect, what is coming, what to prepare for.  But I KNOW that this isn't God's will.  I KNOW that the Bible tells us to put our worries on him, follow his lead and trust.  I KNOW that HE will reveal HIS plan, in HIS own time, and that I have to be patient and wait for his instruction. 

I want to be a light to others, and example.....again, remember I know I am not perfect or the perfect Christian...I know that I am FAR  from it.

It is really hard to watch others preach, look down on, and most importantly judge others...when they are not walking the walk either.  I know that is what turns alot of people away from Christ and religion...hypocrites...those who speak of being blessed at church-then gossiping throughout the week, those who talk of their love for the Lord and living as closely to His example as possible-then judge others for their choices, those who say how they long for church-then act as if they are better than others.  That is not God's love, that is not God's example....we all know that.

I am not even going to act like I am doing the things that God wants me to do, but I can honestly say that I want the prayers to help me be more Christ like.  I want the prayers to be the person God wants me to be, or to at least-make progress.  Just pray to help me find my path that God has laid out for me.  Pray that I can be still and listen.  Pray that me and my family can find a church here that we feel like we belong too.  Pray that I can be disciplined enough to study my Bible regularly and to stand my ground and keep my beliefs strong!  Pray for me to be 'Just a Little Bit Stronger'.

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